The personal portfolio of Tylor Emmett

About Me

Currently, I am a point of sale system specialist for Ruby Tuesday, a role which focuses on updating current systems and implementing new software and hardware. My education is in video game programming, where I learned a great deal about object oriented programming, software engineer, and general algorithm design. On the side, I’m the Lead Programmer for a small independent game development studio, Grand Arc Designs. This role involves managing other programmers, writing game code, controlling configurations and builds, controlling bugs, and some public relations work. My background prior to Ruby Tuesday was in restaurants, where I spent over 5 years in management, with a focus on controlling labor costs.

My skillset mostly revolves around computer hardware and programming, though I dabble in a lot of other technical topics, like physical computing. I have 5 years’ worth of experience in C++ programming, with a focus on game development, approximately 1 year in C#, and over 2 years Sybase SQL for business development, and over 20 years working with computer hardware both as a hobby and professionally. I’m comfortable in a leadership role, for which I have solid communication skills, and am a very reliable person in general, sometimes going years without missing a day of work.

My Goals

In the short term, I am looking to make the jump from support to development. Though support can be interesting at times, I enjoy development far more. As for exactly which sort of development, I am currently torn. My background in C++ tends to lend itself to C# development, and I can see building applications and libraries to be fulfilling. Likewise, the experience I have had in UI/UX and creative design in general makes front end web development sound appealing. I believe either of these would be a good next step for me.

In the longer term, I would love to gain a higher role on a development team. Management and leadership have always been fulfilling roles for me, and I believe that my blend of enthusiasm for people and for technology would make me invaluable in that role.

My Hobbies

Though I do enjoy programming as a hobby, I have a fairly wide range of other interests, most of which revolve around creating or repairing something, or involve music. The vast majority of the skills I've picked up here are self-taught, which should demonstrate my ability to learn new skills.